More than just a box of produce
Our CSA is open for sign ups. Space is limited.
The season begins on June 1st.
When you sign up for our Community Supported Agriculture program, you become a part of our community. Your early investment supports all of the planning and out of pocket expenses that are essential to growing beautiful produce. Not only is it a fun and convenient way to eat the best produce of the season, it’s also a way to build a connection with us, your farmer, and the land where your food comes from.
We’ll introduce you to a few new things, unusual varieties that can’t be found at the grocery store, but we’ll also include both farm and customer favorites. Our CSA is a wonderful way to taste the best of the season through the eyes of your farmer.
Our Promise
Everything that we grow is selected with the utmost care. We choose varieties that balance beauty with flavor. We’ll do our best to provide a diverse array of produce but there are many variables in farming that can slow us down or simply wipe out a given crop. We know that you’re accepting this inherent risk and we don’t take that lightly. Should something catastrophic happen, we’ll make every effort to balance it out whenever possible.
As your farmer, we’re here to answer questions, listen to your feedback, and be transparent about our practices.
You can rest assured that we’re putting the highest level of care into growing delicious, nutritious food and ensuring that you receive it in a safe manner.
Our Season
We’ve broken up our season into two halves: Early and Late. You can sign up for a single part or the whole she-bang. Shares will consists of 7-9 items per week. Pick up is at Skylight Farms in Snohomish.

In the Early season you can expect greens such as arugula, spinach, lettuce, and bok choy to be featured alongside radishes, turnips, snap peas, along with early summer vegetables such as carrots, beets, beans, cucumbers, green onions, colorful cauliflower, eggplant, summer squash, and broccolini.
The Early season is 12 weeks long from June 1 – August 18.
The Late season brings the addition tomatoes, fennel, basil, cabbage, more carrots, celery, winter squash, brussels sprouts, leeks, celeriac, kale, and much more.
The Late season is 13 weeks long from August 24 – Nov 17.

Your Options
We’re excited to offer two options for receiving your veggies.
Pre-packed box. In this traditional CSA model, we’ll select the week’s items, ensuring that you receive a nice variety of both farmer and customer favorites throughout the season.
Market-style shopping. For our friends who enjoy visiting the farm, a market-style CSA gives you the opportunity to select what you want for the week. If you want two bunches of carrots, no problem! You can double up on items if you like.
You can enhance your CSA subscription with beautiful golden-yolked eggs from Sky Valley Family Farm. Will won’t be offering a fruit share but will certified organic tree fruit from Tonnemaker Family Orchard will be available for sale at our farmstand.