There’s nothing better than growing amazing food for our community of food-lovers, chefs, and adventurous eaters.
You can find our produce and eggs at the Bellevue Farmers Market, and at many restaurants in and around Seattle.
We deliver directly to restaurants and also through Farmstand Local Foods. Chefs can sign up for our fresh sheet by emailing petrina@skylightfarms.com.
We grow over 100 varieties of vegetables, fruit, and herbs in any given season, from artichoke to zucchini. Visit our farm during the height of the season and you will find everyday staples such as broccoli, lettuce, and onions alongside more unusual items such as misome, purple dragon beans, romanesco cauliflower, and fava beans.
Our Eggs: Ethically raised, sustainably grown
We believe that chickens should do what chickens do best: hunt for bugs, forage for their favorite seeds and plants, and scratch around in the great outdoors. Not only is this great for the birds, it results in the most beautiful, nutritious, and delicious golden-yolked eggs.
To ensure their health and well-being, our chickens eat naturally-grown soy-free, corn-free, non-GMO feed, and enjoy occasional veggie treats. While they have the freedom to roam around in open pasture during the day, at night they find shelter in mobile coops where they sleep, roost, and lay eggs. Once they have pecked and scratched an area to their hearts’ content, we move them to a fresh pasture.
The chickens are an essential part of our farms’ ecosystem by providing a natural means of pest control and fertilizing the fields. They’re also a great source of entertainment and we couldn’t imagine our farm without them.